August 10, 2009

My first blog

by Techno Tee
Hi all,
This is my ever first blog or you can say ever first entry on internet. Before this i was using only mail or chat feature of internet.
Since a long time i was feeling that as Pakistani we are far behind in science and technology and there is a dire need of news and happenings of science & technology. So that i start tracking contribution of Pakistan in science & technology in and out side.
First of all, locating Pakistani S&T (Science & Technology) institutes on net is a difficult task and second when locate them, they will not have updated news. You can exempt few institutes, but most have outdated information.
We can find news and happenings of IT & Telecom but this is not only sector of S&T, nor our achievements are only in IT & Telecom. We have world best scientists, physicsts, environmentalists anyone you name it. Only dilema is that we don't appreciate our talent and other day others taking advantage of our talent.
So I (alongwith few like-minded friends) set my task to highlight S&T happenings in Pakistan and Pakistan's contribution in the field of S&T and this is our first step.
I believe upon power of ONE. When one fish can spoil the whole pond then why not one good effort? Examples are there. So as the poet Akbar Ilah Aabadi 'uth bandh kamar kia darta ha' i'm on my way.
I request you people to come forward and make this information accessible.
Thanks and keep reading.

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