STAFF REPORT KARACHI: While showing its grave concern over the proposed tax measures announced in the new federal budget, the IT industry representatives have cast doubt that these steps, if implemented, would have negative implications for the Information Technology-Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) industry, which has been one of the fast growing sectors in Pakistan.
June 20, 2011
Govt needs to reset IT and telecom growth track
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: The federal government has allocated Rs 793 million for various development and research project under IT and Telecommunication Division for the year 2011-12.
The proposed budget is 10 per cent higher as compared with the allocation of Rs 718 million for the outgoing year 2010-11, which was drastically slashed by 56 per cent to Rs 310 million after revision.
Pak software to analyse molecular biology data
STAFF REPORT LAHORE: The University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (IBBT) has developed a bioinformatics software for the analysis of molecular biology data.
“The bioinformatics software will be used to develop phylogenetic trees to deal with identifying and understanding the evolutionary relationships among different organisms,” UVAS Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Nawaz said this during a briefing on the HEC conference on “Setting standards for the 21st centaury Pakistan; Universities building economy” here. The conference was attended by all faculty members.
Siemens to hold student essay contest
STAFF REPORT KARACHI: Calling for outstanding ideas by the best and brightest students currently studying at Middle Eastern universities including Pakistan, Siemens has launched the Siemens Student Award, a regional contest that seeks the best answers to the world’s toughest questions related to four mega trends: demographic change, climate change, urbanisation, and globalization.
Conflict of opinion persists on farm tax
STAFF REPORT KARACHI: The Sindh government hopes that agriculture income tax target of Rs 300 million set for the outgoing financial year will be achieved and has set a target of Rs 500 million next financial year.
However, industrialists and economists have demanded increase in Pakistan’s revenue base by imposing agriculture income tax, while people in agriculture are opposing such proposals.
Mobile Apps training at IACT
Plan to assess climate change
Endowment fund for studies
Pakistan scores high in WEF report
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: The World Economic Forum (WEF) has released a global report on Mobile Financial Services (MFS). The report titled “The Mobile Financial Services Development Report 2011? has extensive coverage on Pakistan and praises its institutional strength and market maturity for Mobile Financial Services (MFS).
The report explains the factors behind the IT growth and mentions how the MFS can be improved in Pakistan.
Zong enrols 3.1m subscribers in July-Mar 2010-11
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: The Zong, the fastest growing network of Pakistan, has successfully added 3.1 million subscribers in its base during the first three quarters of fiscal year 2010 – 2011 and has shown highest growth in users’ number among all telecom operators.
“Zong has enormously widened its subscriber base during the period of Jan–April 2011 time taking 36 per cent of the new subscribers of telecom users in Pakistan,” show statistics released by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.
TenPearls again creates history
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: TenPearls, the company that had bagged the first prize in the Nokia Calling All Innovators competition last year, has achieved yet another milestone as cumulative downloads for content by the company on the Nokia Ovi Store have crossed the one million mark.
“TenPearls has been finding great success with its content on the Ovi Store, including the Pakistan Theme, Animal 101 and the Mother’s Day Greeting application,” said an official of the company while talking to media about this fresh development.
PTCL launches Evo Wi-Fi Cloud
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: Another first from PTCL, the revolutionary EVO Wi-Fi Cloud, has opened a new world of connectivity for its valued customers.
According to a press release, the EVO Wi-Fi is Pakistan’s first intelligent mobile Wi-Fi device that combines the best of two technologies, 3G EVO 3.1 MBPS wireless internet and Wi-Fi in a sleek device. This device has a form factor of about the size of a few credit cards it is convenient to carry in a pocket and places a world of content, services and connectivity in the palm of the users.
HU wins alternative energy projects contest
STAFF REPORT KARACHI: Students from various public and private engineering universities have recently presented feasible solutions at the All Karachi Inter-Universities Project competition. The contest was won by the Hamdard University students for designing a model of an energy efficient home. With solar panels, wind turbines and modifications in the design, the group was able to calculate the impact of major modifications in green designing for an energy efficient home.
The second prize was bagged by the Cooling Tower set up by the NED students while HU’s Hydro Power Energetica received the consolation prize.
Intel signs MoU with AIOU
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: Intel Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) in order to promote integration of ICT in the education environment via various Intel® Teach Program offerings that focus on teacher training, curriculum development and technology adoption.
iSKREEN unveils anti-glare computer eyewear
Easypaisa posts record money transfer
STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: The Telenor’s Easypaisa service has been witnessing significant growth in its utility because of its increasing credibility, security and rapid facility of point-to-point transfer of money facility, showing an achievement to cross Rs 30 billion benchmark in just 19 months.“Over 8.5 million numbers of transactions have been carried out with total amount of Rs 30.3 billion from October 2009 to May 2011,” revealed Anjum Rahman, Telenor’s Spokesperson.
A thoughtful commitment
Munib Khawaja is working with APC as VP-IT Business Pakistan & Afghanistan. He has eighteen years of experience in the field of manag
ement, marketing, and sales. APC is enjoying the market leadership position both in power protection solutions and datacentre infrastructure market and acknowledges that Munib role is instrumental in its successes. He is an expert on Green Power Protection and Datacenter Solutions. Munib introduces the company portfolio and gives market insights about the latest trends in UPS and NCPI solutions
Rural Broadband in Pakistan: Switched off
40 KILOMETERS out of Karachi, in the neighborhood of Sultanabad, Kemari Town lies a small goth named Anwar Thaheem of over 3000 inhabitants. The village consists of a school, a single entertainment area and just one bricked house, which is owned by the chieftain whilst the rest are thatched huts.
The majority of the residences are illiterate and despite the presence of a single computer which was donated to the school long ago, it has never been turned on due to lack of knowledge of the populace.
Frozen foods preservation processing
Critical issues in agriculture of Pakistan
Environmental management concerns in water sector of Pakistan
A tale of two Alexanders
ISEF: Off-stage
YOU WILL never know whether researching a topic will have any usefulness in the real world be it fighting cancer or stopping global warming, until you actually pick an aspect of the world around you that arouses your curiosity and find out everything you can about it. None of the great discoveries of this world, be it gravity or penicillin, would have come without this curiosity. Scientists at the discussion were clearly not in favour of
بین الاقوامی سماجی میڈیا کونفرنس کا انعقاد
آلٹرنیٹ انرجی بورڈ اور پرائیویٹ انفرااسٹرکچربورڈ کے انضمام کا فیصلہ
آلٹرنیٹ انرجی ڈویلپمنٹ بورڈ ( اے ای ڈی بی) کو پرائیویٹ انفرااسٹرکچر بورڈ (پی پی آئی بی) میں ضم کرنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا گیا ہے۔ اب اے ای ڈی بی کے تمام فیصلے پی پی آئی بی کرے گا۔ پی پی آئی بی نے ونڈ انرجی اور جیو تھرمل ذرائع سے بجلی حاصل کرنے کے لئے پیشگی ٹیرف تیرہ سینٹ فی یونٹ مقرر کیا ہے۔ منصوبوں اے ای ڈی بی نے ٹیکس دہندگان کے چار سے پانچ کروڑ ہضم کر جانے کے باوجود ایک میگاواٹ بجلی بھی پیدا نہیں کی۔ اسی وجہ سے اے ای ڈی بی اور پی پی آئی بی کو ضم کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے۔ اس بات کا اعلان وفاقی وزیر پانی و بجلی سید نوید قمر نے میڈیا سے بات چیت کرتے ہوئے کیا۔
دودھ دوھنے کی مقامی مشینکی تیاری
بڑے ڈیموں کی تعمیر کی اشد ضرورت
بھمبھور میں ڈیری ولیج کی تعمیرکا فیصلہ
سائنس وٹیکنولوجی کی ذریعے ترقیاتی اہداف ممکن
کراچی (اسٹاف رپورٹر) پاکستان اکیڈمی آف سائنسز کے صدر اور سابق وفاقی و زیرپروفیسر ڈاکٹر عطاءالرحمن کا کہنا ہے کہ سائنس وٹیکنولوجی ملکی ترقی اور خوشحالی کےلئے اہم ہے اوراسکے ذریعے صدی کے ترقیاتی اہداف حاصل کئے جا سکتے ہیں۔ اقتصادی ترقی کیلئے سائنس وٹیکنولوجی سے متعلق موئثر پالیسیوںکی سخت ضرورت ہے۔ پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عطاءالرحمن نے ان خیالات کا اظہار پاکستان فارماسیوٹیکل مینوفیکچررز ایسوسی ایشن (پی پی ایم اے) کے زیر انتظام بین الاقوامی کونفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔ اس موقع پرپی پی ایم اے کے چیئرمین ہارون قاسم نے کہا کہ یہ فارما کانفرنس مستقبل کے کردار سے متعلق اپنی اہمیت میں اضافہ کرے گی اور 2020ءمیں اس صنعت میں نمایاں تبدیلیاں رونما ہونگی، صنعت کو اس کے حصول کیلئے حوصلہ افزائی کی ضرورت ہو گی تاکہ آنے والے چیلنجز کا مقابلہ کیا جا سکے۔
سکائی لنک سیٹلائٹ کمیونیکیشن سرو س میں بہتری
نامیاتی کھاد ، پودوں کی غذائیت کےلئے اہم
کسٹمر کیئرکا بہترین معیار
لاہور (نیوز رپورٹر) ٹیلی کوم شعبے نے صارفین کی خدمت کا معیار بلند کر دیا، عالمی معیار کے کسٹمر کیئر اصولوں نے صارفین کی خدمات کو بلند تر سطح پر پہنچا دیا۔ اس بات کو پاکستان ٹیلی کمیونیکیشن آتھارٹی ( پی ٹی اے) کے چیئرمین ڈاکٹر محمد یاسین نے لاہور میں موبی لنک کے کسٹمر کیئر سینٹرز کا دورہ کرتے ہوئے کہی۔ انھوں نے سیلولر موبائل اداروں کی کارکردگی کو سراہا جو وسیع پیمانے پر سرمایہ کاری کررہے ہیںاور ملک میں جدید ترین مواصلات کے بنیادی ڈھانچے کو مضبوط بنا رہے ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر محمدیاسین نے پی ٹی اے کی جانب سے شروع کردہ 668 سہولت کے فروغ کے لئے موبی لنک کے اقدامات کو بھی سراہا۔
کوڑے سے توانائی حاصل کرنے کا فیصلہ
گندم ذخیرہ گوداموں کی تعمیر کا فیصلہ
توانائی منصوبوں میں سرمایہ کاری کی یقین دہانی
پاک ایران گیس پائپ لائن منصوبے میں تاخیر
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