STAFF REPORT ISLAMABAD: Media should come forward to play its role in highlighting science and technology issues and developments to create a science culture in the country, as science and technology plays vital role in socio-economic development of any country. “Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF) is making its all-out efforts to achieve these objectives and media support to highlight the scientific activities in the country as due to different reasons S&T is not getting due importance,” Chairman PSF Dr. Manzoor H.
Soomro said that while addressing the “Science- Media Forum” organized by the PSF here last week.Highlighting the PSF functions and achievements, Dr Soomro said that PSF, established in 1973, is making its all-out efforts to promote science and technology and achieve media support to highlight scientific activities in the country.He said that PSF has launched a mass awareness campaign to highlight science and technology issues and development in order to create a science culture in the country. He said that the science journalism plays a key role in informing and educating the public about scientific and social applications, while facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities through new technologies.The Chairman told PSF funded different S&T projects of R&D organizations and universities adopts a transparent process of funding after thorough scrutiny regarding their socio-economic impacts.He informed PSF also awarded prizes to people who made different scientific inventions to encourage research and development activities in the country. “PSF in collaboration with French Embassy had started a project that is inquiry based learning of science at primary standard level,” he said adding the PSF Science Centers, PASTIC Centers and Nine Sciences Caravans were busy disseminating scientific knowledge among masses, especially the students.Keynote speaker Dr Anwar Nasim, Advisor Science, COMSTECH, said that contribution of non-governmental individuals is essential for any change in the society for prosperity and development of the country.He said that instead of only talks we should take practical steps and learn from examples of developed countries. He further said that there is a dire need to create awareness about importance of science at grass root level.Ali Mustafa Zaidi Paras, Editor Technology Times, spoke on “Print Media Vital for Popularization of Science and Technology”. Kausar Samreen, Programme Manager, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation, explained on “Role of Radio Productions Image building of S&T Organizations” and Wajid Zulqarnain, Senior Producer, Duniya TV, on “Role of Television in Promotion of Research and Development.The Participants of the forum including media personnel and scientists took active part in an open discussion on “Promotion of S&T Through Mass Media – Ways and Means”. They gave various valuable recommendations to popularize science in the country.They said that the media faces several challenges. One of these is to be able to talk about all kinds of scientific disciplines without having any relevant specific training. Another challenge that journalists must overcome is the provision of rigorous information that does not use scientific results to twist reality or raise false hopesPSF Chairman Dr Manzoor H. Soomro said that the recommendations formulated with consensus will be implemented in letter and spirit.
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