January 28, 2011

Innovating alternative resources of life

Naveed Iqbal is the Director & CEO of Akhter Solar Limited. He explains that the future lies in solar based technology generation due to constant increase in prices of liquid fuels

Who is your competitor?

Naveed Iqbal: Akhter Solar Limited is the only manufacturer of solar modules in Pakistan. If comes to price competition, we face immense competition with Chinese modules, whereas our prime focus is competing in quality with European modules.

What could be the solutions of energy crisis?

In current energy crisis, the government has to encourage people to reduce usage of UPS as back up storage due to high losses rate in UPS. Solar panels should be used to produce electricity at least for back up usage. Solar panels are best source for electricity to store for back up use. The government needs to enhance energy resources on both long term & short term basis.

Pakistan has very huge potential for solar due to its location and weather conditions. Building of new dams is a long term strategy. In short term, the government must subsidize and create greater awareness of alternate energy solutions usage in Pakistan. As a nation, we need to learn our responsibility of energy conservation to help the government in energy crisis both at individual and community levels.

What are the investment opportunities in Solar?

Since there is no restriction or standardization on import of PV panels, the investors do not feel secure. Standardization is vital as Solar Panels are a hi-tech product where its users (in general) are non-technical. This dilemma creates difficulty in promotion solar energy. Moreover, lack of govt. initiatives has worsened the situation. To give you a small comparison, in 2006 India and Pakistan were contributing 0MW from solar energy to grid, today in 2010 India is providing 1500MW to their national grid from solar energy and Pakistan is still at 0MW.

How government can help Solar Energy sector?

WAPDA should allow net-metering to encourage usage of alternate energy sources and by large focus on grid-connected alternate energy solutions. This will not only help in reducing load on national grid but would additionally be an aid to meet every growing energy needs of the industrial section. The consumers can generally be categorized in 3 types; govt. and commercial offices, general consumers (including commercial markets) and industry. The demand for energy in govt. and commercial offices is higher during day time and less or almost zero at night. Whereas, general consumers especially households require less energy during the day time and more at night. The demand & supply gap can significantly be fulfilled through improvisation of Solar Power Systems. Almost 20% energy can easily be inducted in WAPDA's existing system through reverse metering and greater use of solar energy solutions.


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