By Syed Faisal Iftikhar Senior Scientific Officer
SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROGRESS of any nation is achievable by development and appropriate use of indigenous technologies through application and commercialization of research. Socio-economic progress is the most daunting task faced by the third world countries. Pakistan is a country blessed with tremendous amount of natural resources, state of the art public sector capability and well established marketability system in the private sector. However, a strong and sustainable link amongst research organizations, industrial community/end-users and funding institutions is some what lacking and has to be established to achieve the objective of economic independence which directly enhances the quality of life in any society.
To meet the emerging global challenges, scientific and industrial community should follow an integrated and collaborative approach. Industrial community has to be facilitated in the identification of research issues and R & D organizations should embark upon marketable research projects so the results drawn from them can be applied to solve industrial problems.
The socio-economic development is targeted through the utilization of indigenous research results. PSF is actively promoting the concept of Applied Research and Industrial Linkages under its R&D- Industry Programme. Its core focus is to promote and commercialize the technologies/products to effectuate socio-economic needs of the country eradicating our dependence on the imports. We are looking upon three prime objectives to be accomplished out of our research activities and these are fulfillment of national needs, import substitution and exports. In this context, Industrial Linkages Programme (ILP) was started in the year 2002 to provide a platform whereby end-users, funding institutions and research organizations work in close coordination to ensure application of research, development of technology, its transfer and commercialization. This programme was approved by PSF’s Board of Trustees on 10-8-2005 and renamed as “R&D – Industry Programme”. Under this programme, linkages are being established amongst Academia, R&D organizations and Industrial community. This Public Private Partnership (PPP) shall pave way to achieve socio-economic targets.
Another main objective of this programme is to transfer the benefits of scientific research to the common people through technology development and its commercialization. Financial support is provided for Pilot Plant studies of such industrial projects. In this way, PSF is trying to bridge the gap between industrial community and R&D organizations within the country.
Another important feature of this programme is the development of Technology Transfer Mechanism / Package because this is the basic step which leads to the Commercialization of Technology.
Core Technologies
Emerging Technologies
Emphasis is also being laid on Emerging Technologies that have direct relevance to the socio-economic development of the country in a shorter span of time such as environment friendly energy technologies, transportation, information technology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology and synthetic genomics, robotics and applied mechanics, material sciences and others.
Innovations And Innovations
The Foundation also encourages the translation of intellectual concepts into Innovations and Inventions and their movement toward commercialization for the benefit of the national economy. The scientists and researchers with innovative ideas are awarded with cash prizes. In future scenario, the Foundation plans to establish linkages between scientists with innovative inventions and the industries.
Interministerial Focus Group
The most dynamic concept introduced under this programme is “Linking Public Sector Capability with Private Sector Marketability”. In this context, Inter-Ministerial Focus Group has been created to fully utilize the technology potential of the country. Inter-Ministerial Focus Group consists of esteemed Public Sector Organizations like PAEC, NESCOM, POFs, PAC, DPD, KRL, PCSIR, SUPARCO, HIT etc. Detailed directory of technological capabilities of these organizations has been prepared. These technologies are now available to the private sector.
Success Stories
Some projects of national and economic importance initiated under R&D Industry Programme have been successfully completed. Their brief description is presented below.
1. Project entitled, “Disbondment of Epoxy Coating and Integrity of Gas Transmission Pipeline” at a total cost of Rs. 3,680,000/- (Jointly funded by PSF & SSGC on equal basis). Research was conducted in Institute of Chemical Engg. & Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore with Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd, Karachi as its end user. Under this project Epoxy Coating/Cathodic Protection System Technology indigenously developed at ICE&T, University of the Punjab was transferred to Sui Southern Gas Commpany Limited. Corrosion Control Research Cell was established in ICE&T, University of the Punjab. PhD Degree awarded to Engr. Usman Majeed, MSc (Engg) Degree awarded to Engr. Imran Khan, BSc (Engg) Degree awarded to Engr. Kashif Mairaj & a total of 11 Publications came out of this project.
2. PSF has been successful in establishing strong and sustainable industrial linkage between Food and Biotechnology Research Centre (FBRC), PCSIR Labs. Complex, Lahore and Bunny’s (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore through its project entitled, “Enhancement in the Shelf Life of Bread and Allied Products”. After completing the project, FBRC is engaged in continuous activity of process development and quality improvement of different Bunny’s products like Chicken Paratha and Whole Wheat Paratha. Besides this, consultancy and advisory services are also being provided for nutritional evaluation and nutritional quality improvement of Bunny’s products.
3. PSF also sponsored a project entitled ,”Establishment of Pilot Green Tea Processing Plant” at a total cost or Rs. 2, 625, 656/- at National Tea Research Institute at Shinkiari, District Mansehra. Besides this a Survey for the application of Tea Technology in Azad Kashmir was also conducted to encourage private sector to invest in Cultivation & Processing of tea. From these initiatives a mega PC-I was approved by CDWP for commercialization of Tea Industry in collaboration with private sector. Under this project, Rs. 490.274 million is being provided by Government of Pakistan and Rs. 3.00 billion will be invested by private sector. This project initiated on April01, 2008.
4. Another important project of R&D-Industry Programme is,”Design & Manufacruring of Light Weight Composite Reinforced CNG Cylinders” at a total cost of Rs. 4,000,000/= (Jointly funded by SUPARCO & PSF). The requisite cylinders have been developed and burst test have also been carried out. Certification from an external agency is in pipeline, the reason it has not been launched yet in Pakistani market. These cylinders are being used in developed countries and offer advantage of being lighter in weight (Standard NGV2). Its economic importance can not be denied because Pakistan imports about 360,000/- cylinders per annum spending a foreign reserve of US $ 75million.
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